Tag Archives: Security

Overcoming the password update policy for custom Raiser’s Edge applications

A recent question on the Blackbaud forums got me thinking about this problem. The issue is this. If an organisation has a password policy in RE in place that ensures that users have to update their password every X days, what happens to a custom application that runs every day in order to perform some maintenance / export / import etc.? It is also required to update its password. This is somewhat problematic because most scheduled tasks are just meant to be run and more or less forgotten about.

The obvious solution is to turn off this functionality. However you are only able to do this for the whole organisation which is problematic.  Another solution is to use Windows authentication to log into RE. That way it is Windows that decides the password policy. This is also not always possible.

Here is a third, programmatic way of doing this. You need to make use of the “other” API. I have mentioned this previously in Checking Security. You need to make use of the  Blackbaud.PIA.RE7.SecData7 assembly. This gives you access to the security objects that are not present in BBREAPI.

You set up a database table with three columns; a primary key id, a password and an expiration date. You then fill the password column with a list of passwords that could be used.

On starting the application you select from the table the password with the most recent expiration date (which may be in the future). You use this to log into RE using the usual code. Once that is done you determine whether or not you need to change the password. If the expiration date is in the past then you should change the password using the code below. The new password should be the next password in the table that has a blank expiration date and lowest id.

Dim user As New CUser

You then set a new expiration date on this password. This expiration date should be a good few days before the actual date you are required to change the password that way the existing password will still be good.

If there are no passwords left in the table you can remove all the expiration dates and start from the first value in the table i.e the password with the lowest id. I assume that RE allows you to use the same password as at some point in the past if not the most recent values.

One variation to this is to just create a random passwords and not have a list of passwords. That way you would only have a table with one row and an expiration date.

Any improvements? let me know in the comments.

Checking access restrictions in The Raiser’s Edge

In a recent project I had to ensure that specific confidential information was being saved as an action. I had a custom screen where this data was going to be viewed and edited. Only certain users had access to that action using security by action types. I had to check to see if the current user was able to view the action and if they could whether or not they were able to edit the details. There are useful methods for this in the API and I assumed it would be a simple task to use them. Continue reading Checking access restrictions in The Raiser’s Edge