Tag Archives: Blackbaud

Gift Type IDs – A Reference

A while ago I wrote an article about filtering on gifts. I find myself regularly having to reference the knowledgebase link which itself links to an Access database file. Here is a snippet from that other article.

A word on the GiftTypes filter. Here you can filter on cash, pay-cash, pledge, etc. However this is not simply the text but rather an id that the type refers to. This too is not well documented. There is a link in the knowledgebase (http://www.blackbaud.com/esupport/es…r=0&id=BB17413) that gives this information or it can be derived by looking at the SQL or a query.
For example:

oFilter.GiftTypes.Add 1, "Cash" oFilter.GiftTypes.Add 2, "Pay-Cash"

I got somewhat tired of having to download that mdb file each time and some of the gift types stuck, many I forget. So here is the list (mainly for my own reference but for the benefit of anyone else who needs this list):

Gift Types ID Description
1 Cash
2 Pay-Cash
3 MG Pay-Cash
4 Covenant Payment
8 Pledge
9 Stock
10 Stock (Sold)
11 Pay-Stock
12 MG Pay-Stock
13 Pay-Stock (Sold)
14 MG Pay-Stock (Sold)
15 Gift In Kind
16 Pay-Gift In Kind
17 MG Pay-Gift In Kind
18 Other
19 Pay-Other
20 MG Pay-Other
21 Write Off
22 MG Write Off
24 Net Covenant
25 Gross Covenant
26 Deposited Convenant
27 MG Pledge
28 Adjustment
29 Covenant Write Off
30 Recurring Gift
31 Recurring Pay-Cash
32 GL Reversal
33 Amendment
34 Planned Gift

Using the Batch API with Notepads or Attributes

I have started to use the Batch API in earnest now. I have said previously that it is a great long overdue piece of functionality but I am beginning to understand why it was never included earlier. As with much of the API the newly added Batch API is not well documented. A good example of how to use it was given and can be found on Blackbaud’s knowledgbase (BB418575) but it is somewhat limited. It does not explain for example how to add an attribute or a notepad to a gift batch. This was discussed on a Blackbus thread.  Adding the items to the batch header was quite straight forward but adding the actual values proved more difficult. Here I try to shed some light on the process.

Continue reading Using the Batch API with Notepads or Attributes

Validating a Constituent Batch

Previously I have integrated Quick Address from QAS with The Raiser’s Edge. I implemented their pro API in order to validate the address on saving the constituent/relationship/participant and on demand using the VBA macro button. I created a plugin to update addresses en masse using their batch API. I implemented their pro API to create a “silent” validation during import. The one thing that I didn’t do at the time was to validate addresses in a constituent batch. At the time this was not a requirement.

Continue reading Validating a Constituent Batch

Reflecting on the Meta world

One aspect of the API that is really well thought out is the whole Meta data structure. Back when RE7 was written, there was no reflection built into VB6. Java had it and there was some libraries that could do it but nothing was built in. Reflection (in coding terminology) is the ability to be aware of the classes and methods that are available to the code during run time.

Continue reading Reflecting on the Meta world

Membership – Retrieving information

One very useful way of loading a collection of records is using the custom where clause. For example if you want to find a list of constituents who are born in a certain year you could write the following

Dim oRecords As New CRecords
oRecords.INIT SessionContext, tvf_record_CustomWhereClause, "BIRTH_DATE LIKE '1950%'"

This is the only really effective way of doing this without returning a list of all constituents filtering them in the code (much less efficient).

Continue reading Membership – Retrieving information

Adjust that tax claim at your peril

This is perhaps more of a rant than anything else but after being so pleased with the way Blackbaud introduced Batch into the RE:API I now found myself stuck with another piece of Raiser’s Edge functionality that I am less than pleased with.In the UK Gift Aid is big business. In the States (and possibly elsewhere) the donor can claim tax back from charitable donations. In the UK it is the charity that can claim the money back from the government for UK tax payers so this can amount to a very large sum of money if it is handled properly. There have been several changes to Gift Aid over the past four or five versions of Raiser’s Edge. One problem that was not addressed until recently was when Gift Aid had been taken in error and then claimed back from the Inland Revenue. If a gift was given in error then the Gift must be adjusted or written off and the Gift Aid must be reversed. If the Gift Aid was claimed in error (for example the donor was not a tax payer) then the Gift Aid alone must be reversed.
Continue reading Adjust that tax claim at your peril

Filtering and Sorting Participants – Just not Together

This is being written in response to two hours of trying to get some code to work only to conclude that there was a bug in the API. I am not overly convinced it will be documented any time soon so let it be documented here!

I wanted to create a collection of participant registrations for a particular constituent. I also wanted to only really look at the most recent three registrations so I needed to both filter and sort. Sounds quite simple really until of course it did not work.

Continue reading Filtering and Sorting Participants – Just not Together

Top Plugins in November

Here are the most popular plugins for the month of November from the plugin directory. This is based on the click through for more information link.

  1. Audit Trail
  2. Action Reminder Updater
  3. Convio DataSync Connector RE
  4. Blackbaud NetCommunity Integration
  5. Constituent Document Linker
  6. Bank Checker Solution
  7. Create Preferred Address
  8. Alternate Address Deleter
  9. AFP
  10. Custom Reports

Cannot find the plugin that you are looking for? Get in contact with us and find out how we can make your Raiser’s Edge processes more efficient and make savings in both time and money.