Globally Merge Constituents using The Mergician

If you did not get Zeidman Development’s newsletter (you can sign up here) then you would not have heard about our latest plug-in – The Mergician.  The Mergician allows you to merge constituent records en masse. Currently The Raiser’s Edge allows you to merge two records together. Built off of the same functionality, The Mergician allows you to merge all your duplicates in one process.

Merge File

The Raiser’s Edge has a duplicate constituent report which shows you which constituents are duplicated. Normally you would then have to process each one manually. The Mergician creates a merge file from this same duplicate constituent report. What is more you can choose to ignore constituents with a specific constituent code or attribute.

Merge and more

Choose the fields to merge, decide whether or not to delete the secondary record after the merge or add an attribute to so that it should be globally deleted later. Add the constituent id from the secondary record as an alias on the primary constituent so that you do not lose the reference to it.


More information can be found on our website where you can download a fully working version tied to the Sample database. There is also a screen-cast showing The Mergician in use. If you have any questions then please contact us.

One thought on “Globally Merge Constituents using The Mergician

  1. I am working on a projetc to make my organisation PCI-DSS compliant.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to make third party acquistion lists PCI-DSS compliant through a batch upload process in RE. Are there any plug-ins for this or do we have to write a custom plug-in?

    Thank you for your advice.

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